Casual Guild Forums

General Category => Gaming => Topic started by: Binks on May 05, 2008, 09:24:45 AM

Title: Sins of a Solar Empire
Post by: Binks on May 05, 2008, 09:24:45 AM
Enjoyable.  If you liked Homeworld, then this game will likely tickle your fancy.  The fact that there is no campaign is definitely a draw back, but picking and choosing maps allows you to tinker around sufficiently.  It claims to be massive in scope, but that's a lie.  Once you get orientated to the game, you begin to realize how tiny it actually is and that there isn't a large amount of significant differences between the three factions.

If the expansion has a campaign and promises to differentiate the factions more it would be a must buy for anyone who enjoys the genre.
Title: Re: Sins of a Solar Empire
Post by: Gadz on May 05, 2008, 09:34:18 AM
I loved Homeworld.  I'll have to check this out.
Title: Re: Sins of a Solar Empire
Post by: Binks on May 05, 2008, 09:39:01 AM
It's a fairly solid B, B+.  As I mentioned, the fact that it has no campaign (no story progression) hurts, but the game play is fairly enjoyable.  Capital ships, unlike in Homeworld, are more mobile and gain experience as they destroy ships (think Warcraft 3 heroes).
Title: Re: Sins of a Solar Empire
Post by: Gadz on May 05, 2008, 10:25:34 AM
Title: Re: Sins of a Solar Empire
Post by: Stent on May 05, 2008, 10:27:51 AM
how does the combat compare to homeworld?  please tell me its a little more than "choose your formation + rock paper scissors."
Title: Re: Sins of a Solar Empire
Post by: Binks on May 05, 2008, 10:36:20 AM
Pretty basic, but you can queue up sequential targets.  It's more about fleet composition and managing the ships and their abilities, like WC3.
Title: Re: Sins of a Solar Empire
Post by: Chiquihuite on May 07, 2008, 01:23:52 PM
I thought the game felt 'cool' and very pretty, but...

1. It feels so slow. Even once you have the hang of quick ship production, it feels like your ability to move forces around the map is totally inadequate, which contributes to...

2. Needs more customizable victory conditions. Influence %, Planets controlled %/#, Homeworld Capture... It pisses me off that I can spend 3 hours on a small map, have clearly won the game, but have to waste another 30 mins + mopping up every last little enemy ship.

3. I like that your expos gradually die out in WC3 games. It helps place a time limit on the game. In Sins, you NEVER run out of resources so the game can last just this side of forever. It reminds me a lot of Empire Earth in that way.

4. It needs a Campaign Mode like Hobes needs to get laid.

PS: Hey, friend of The Gnomish Hate Machine from over on Cenarius. Your website is pure comedy gold, so I'll probably stop by and BS with ya from time to time. If I had to play in an Alliance guild for some bizarre reason, I'd definitely app Casual :P
Title: Re: Sins of a Solar Empire
Post by: Binks on May 07, 2008, 01:46:52 PM
Large maps (8-10 players), on hard, can become multi day adventures.