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June 01, 2024, 08:14:22 PM

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All Exceptional Players


As some of you may have noticed, we are recruiting. In the past, we have been fairly strict about gear requirements. However, due to the fact that 95% of everything that drops gets disenchanted, we will make exceptions.

(that means 'warning' for stupids)

If your gear isn't the greatest, but you still think you are a great player with an awesome sense of humor and/or personality and want to apply, you should at least demonstrate that:

  • You know how to correctly socket and enchant your gear. Believe it or not, there really aren't too many options with this. For example, if you are a rogue putting crit gems in your gear, you are probably stupid. Sometimes, we do make exceptions and help out an otherwise unenlightened soul. Sometimes, I also dress up my tabby cat in a tuxedo and top hat with a little monacle and refer to him as Baron Swagglepuss III and ask if he'd like more tea with his scones. No, really.
  • You are optimally specced. Again, there aren't too many choices here. Most specs have very few optimal templates. Deviate outside that and 99% of the time we will correctly assume you only survived childhood because of a well-secured bike helmet.
  • Your DPS/healing/tanking is in line with your gear. If your guild is only in T5 gear, then your WWS reports should demonstate that you are completely dominating them with equivalent gear. Sometimes, we pull exceptional players out of mediocre guilds because they are tired of said mediocrity.
  • If you don't know what WWS is, or why we'd think it's important, take comfort. In 2.4, at least you'll be able to get T6-quality gear from daily quest badges. Maybe you can write "Casual" on the screen below your name with a dry erase marker. I do that too, only I draw little mustaches on everyone and talk in a British accent to the questgivers, so don't feel too bad.

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