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June 02, 2024, 11:25:08 AM

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All Exceptional Players


Casual front page updates have become about as scarce as hookers in Salt Lake City. So what has Casual been doing since their Ulduar achieves update posted 3 months ago?

We've undertaken a slight change in leadership after our previous raid leader reacquainted himself with the joys of random drunken sex. He decided that even with a girl puking on his bed sheets moments after coitus that it was still better than shouting at people for 4 hours a night. We wish him well on the rocky road that is random drunken sex street where you don't know if the next girl you're taking home is going to try and stab you in the face or tell you that she's got a bun in the oven. Go forth Stent and breed little ginger Hitlers to take over the world, we wish you well. Don't worry though I'll be breeding little Churchills to ensure they all burn themselves in ditches.

With the glorious summer and people headed back to school we are looking for some exceptional raiders of all shapes, sizes and classes to join our ranks, so if you'd be interested in joining the Casual collective be sure to toss in an application.

We've still been killing stuff, we killed Algalon all the way back in July. We've also been progressing nicely through the ToC hard modes but that's all boring stuff. We don't really like doing those run of the mill updates with us standing around the corpse of Blizzard's latest offerings. Largely because while we have the co-ordination to accomplish things like US 12th Shadowdodger, when given the challenge of grouping up for a screenshot we all gain the mental capacity of window licking pugs.

Our long standing GM, center of the Aquagate scandal, enjoyed a nice ego boost recently. The boost comes from comments such as "/boner"," damnnn that female night elf was sexxxyy", "Asian Night Elf is so cute ;)" to the YouTube footage of his better half dancing at this year's Blizzcon. Great job Thelnie! Apparently next year you need to come back as a 200lb man and do the riverdance if you want a shot at the title.

In other exciting news we had a few mini Casual meet ups in the Seattle area and down in California. In Seattle we found out that while our MT can tank Algalon, he can't tank a beer in one. This resulted in my teaching of the expression 'Tactical Chunder' to some of my fellow guildies. The rumours about Gasmask being queer as a fruitbat might be true as he tried to feel me up, though I was pretty irresistible in my sombrero. We also underwent some cultural learning experiences in the field of drinking games, The yanks taught me how to play beer pong and in return I covered everyone's face in burnt cork (Ibble Dibble).

Oh also Tweader found out that the first person to pass out gets raped with a drumstick. Apply to Casual today and this could be you!

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