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June 02, 2024, 09:20:47 AM

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All Exceptional Players


poopsock, noun (pup-sahk)
    also, verb (to poopsock)

1. A sock that is used as a temporary container for fecal matter.
2. A vital part of any dedicated WoW player's equipment. A poopsock eliminates the need to go all the way to the bathroom, which wastes valuable levelling time.
3. An insult used to refer to an obsessive MMO player who gains an unusually high number of levels in one day.
4. The new black.

Server first Naxx, server first Sartharion, server first Malygos.

I must have heard "wait, that was a boss?" half a dozen times this week.  They call them trash mobs for a reason, and when you can't reasonably tell the difference between something that drops loot and something that doesn't, Houston- we might have a problem.  Grats Blizzard on pandering to the Casuals (no pun intended).  If you're looking for someone to help count all the money, hit me up in game.  I'm available immediately, it's not like we have to raid every day.

So now Wrath is in full swing, and with all your titles belong to us, we can hang up our poopsocks and rejoin the human race.  Let's hope Ulduar takes more than one reset to clear.

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