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June 02, 2024, 11:19:48 AM

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All Exceptional Players



Enhancement Shaman
Please do not be a window-licking retard. That is all.

Feral Druid
Of the tanking variety. That actually understands feral itemization.

If you aren't in at least 5/8 T6, we don't want you. Sorry.

Ability to watch Omen is a must. Your job is hard.

Every time I look at this picture, I'm filled with conflicting emotions: ghastly horror and diabolical glee. In related news, we almost killed M'uru. Yes, almost. Normally, that would be a terrible and embarrassing news post, like saying "we almost got Gruul down this week, and in only 13 grows!!!" and I almost feel like flagellating myself for writing it, but in this case I think we can all make an exception.

Circle any of the following that apply to your experiences with M'uru:

- Tank goes linkdead
- Multiple tanks go linkdead
- DPS goes linkdead
- Healer goes linkdead and tank dies
- Shamans don't log on because the shaman union conspires against you
- Raid leader has a baby and goes casual (HAAHAHAHHA I DON'T HAVE TO LEAD RAIDS ANY MORE)

If you would like to join our wonderful cult guild and fill these vacancies, then we can finally kill M'uru and get on with farming leveling gear for the expansion that we will replace in a week. Wait, that's not what I meant. This is supposed to be an inspiring news post filled with whimsical delight. Fuck. Don't go. Please? Just join, okay? You can have my daughter's phone number when she's legal. And twenty camels.

Remember, if you're going to join us, there is one very important stipulation. If you join us, you must promise us that the first time you get some pussy, you will not vanish or go lolcasual. It is in fact possible to punch the kitty and raid.

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