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June 02, 2024, 02:06:28 AM

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All Exceptional Players


M'URU DOWN (finally)

Great zombie Jesus.  Almost 3 months, 600 attempts, 2 officers, 3 shaman, 1 nerf, and 4 fifths of MacAllan 12-year-old single malt scotch, M'uru is dead.  (The kill attempt for anyone who cares.)


M'uru in its original form was very close to perfect.  A few percent reduction here and there would have given raids a little additional flexibility that wouldn't have required perfect synergy to even stand a chance.  Do I think the nerf was meaningful?  Sure it was.  Was it overkill?  Definitely.  We shouldn't be finishing phase 1 in 4 minutes flat.

I'm pretty sure we would have killed it last night without the nerf, and next week it won't be nearly the ordeal that it has been to this point.   We were getting tired of staring at that guy's bloody ass in a white suit.

Don't get me wrong; I don't hate this fight.  I hate the trend it sets.  If Naxx 2.0 is 4 wings of 3 M'urus a piece, we'll all quit and become a professional Minesweeper guild.  Because in all honesty, that would be more fun and less repetitive.

Big thanks to all my guildmates who stuck this out over the last 10 weeks, when I called the raid for the 17th time because the shaman union called in a strike, or when I called you retards (but didn't really mean it), or asked you to farm Gruul for a DST because we have the worst fucking luck with drops of anyone anywhere in the world ever.  Big thanks to our applicants for bringing A-game, and everyone who's put in time over the last few months and wasn't in the zone for a kill last night.

And to everyone who silently slinked off into the night without so much as a word?  Well, in the immortal words of Vess, that's doing it small, dawgs.

On to Kil'Jaden.

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