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June 01, 2024, 08:13:32 PM

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All Exceptional Players


Casual’s Tribute to Mad Skill, US #32

The last few days can be accurately described by the word ‘finally’. We had gotten so ridiculously close on getting our Tribute to Insanity (10) and our first Anub (25) kill and at last finally got both. We lost 10 man insanity a couple of weeks ago due to a single wipe on Jaraxxus of all fucking things (sometimes there is fire, do not stand in it, especially if you are a tank). For those not familiar with the difficulty of ToGC bosses; If the heroic encounters were the Spice Girls (apologies from Britain for them), Jaraxxus would be the sporty one that nobody wanted to shag but was clearly very easy.

As far as Anub, not only did we have our obligatory 1% wipe but that same wipe was caused by a ret paladin putting a Hand of Protection on the main tank. Since doing this, our resident retadin Tweader has taken a long hard look at his own life choices.

Here at Casual we demand 100% from our raiders no matter the circumstance.

Also, being the only DK in the guild, Menelaz might be getting a slight sense of entitlement.

Being a Casual raider isn’t easy, sometimes there will be nights where wiping will happen and spirits will get dampened. So while it’s the raiders who get all the glory when we are victorious, we mustn’t forget to thank the people behind the raiders who help keep morale high on those low nights. (No, this is not a new feral army, that plan comes later).

This week we were denied Insanity solely by a 10% wipe on the twins, so stay tuned for our Tribute to Insanity update coming soon.

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