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June 02, 2024, 12:33:40 AM

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All Exceptional Players


Nara breaks his d**k!
Casual breaks 27k dps!

Not since Naxxramas' Patchwerk has there been a fight where I'm so thankful to be a rogue. All we have to do is stand in one spot, hit two keys, drink level 40 potions (thx Blizz), and listen to our healers complain after Zest takes 28k damage in 1.4 seconds. It's a hard life, but someone has to do it.

Please take note of our outstanding skill at posing for photos.
Not pictured are Zest and Gadz, who may or may not have been off having some alone time in celebration.

It goes without saying that Kalecgos died as well. During this fight you must battle a dragon and his inner demon. We had an incredibly frustrating night where we killed both the dragon and the demon at the same time as they killed his human form. Nothing tops hearing the victory music as the dragon respawns and violates us. In typical Casual fashion, we managed this marvelous feat of failure three times in a row.

Apparently our posing skill increases when the body is the size of a gnome.

Much has happened in Casual lately:

We recruited a new rogue for the first time in three years!
We allowed a few women to raid with us!
Nara broke his dick.
Madisyn had .... wait what?

There ended up being much more to the story than that short synopsis, including a quick trip to WebMD to find out what to do. Most of us figured that would have been self explanatory, but who can tell with Canadians.

Finally I leave you with ...

Gold cap achieved.

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