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June 01, 2024, 08:09:52 PM

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All Exceptional Players


Fuck you, and fuck your Mac too.

Minus a guild bank raping, a raid-leader change and two weeks of awesome spring-break attendance, Casual has been doing pretty well recently.  Of course, we're always in search of new talent, currently in the form of a Rogue (leave your guild and apply now).  I received an in-game mail from one of the Rogues I contacted shortly after he had visited our website.  Being the mature individual that I am, I shall leave this certain moron (Sweetmeat, Night Elf Rogue on Stonemaul) nameless.

This brings me to the subject at hand.  We here at Casual don't appreciate Apple products, particularly their computers.  We also don't have the proper Ventrilo codec to even allow Mac users into our vent.  Now, I'm sure there are plenty of left-wing community college coffee-shop revolutionaries who are currently asking, "Why, Uhuru?  Why do you hate Macs so much?"  Allow me to explain.

Exhibit A, a mouse:

Here we have an ordinary mouse.  But wait, this is no ordinary mouse!  In an effort to simplify the complicated design of your normal PC mouse while increasing its smooth visual appeal at the same time, the morons experts at Apple have completely removed the right-click button from the standard Mac mouse.  Now all you have to do is hold down the Apple button (the one with the logo that's shaped like anything but an apple) and click.  So simple, yet so innovative.

Exhibit B, price comparison:

Now, at first glance your instincts may tell you to choose the PC.  However, let's not jump to irrational conclusions without at least weighing the pros and cons of each computer.  The Macbook Pro boasts a solid 4gb of RAM and a 500gb internal hard drive, as well as an Nvidia 9600M and an Intel Core 2 Duo processor.  The opponent, our randomly selected Toshiba Notebook, has a matching 4gb of RAM and a 500gb hard drive, as well as an Nvidia 330M and an Intel i7 Quad-Core processor.  However, even though the Toshiba's price, power and technical design are multitudes better, the Toshiba cannot rival the Macbooks pretty white casing, arbitrarily large glowing Apple symbol, and its slim and lightweight design.  Did I mention the Macbook has no (conveniently accessible) right-click button?  I think we have a winner.

Exhibit C, fucking faggots:

Here, we see a pair of useless hipsters fine young college students, who are probably working on obtaining a degree in Liberal Arts at their local Community College, enjoying a nice cup of joe at your local coffee shop.  These are the very same people that smoke Virgina Slim Ultra-Light Menthols, pass out in the bathroom after drinking 4 Bud Ices at a frat party, and listen to bands that use trash cans and glockenspiels as the primary instruments in their music.

So, for anyone else who wishes to inquire as to why we do not accept applicants that use Macs, you now have your answer.  Despite all of the outstanding benefits that come with owning a Mac, we will, now and forever, remain PC users.  Only hipsters and fat soccer moms would actually purchase one of these useless overpriced eye-candy computers during an economic crisis.  Your computers are terrible, and have ruined my country.  Move to Canada and die.  Sincerely, America: Home of the Red, White and Blue.

Side note, and probably less important; we killed Lady Deathwhisper heroic.  It's like a mini-M'uru, sans the 3 months of wiping and absolute hatred of humanity that accompanied it.  (The boss was killed pre-10% buff)

More nerd-rage and boss kills to come.

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