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June 02, 2024, 12:31:20 AM

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All Exceptional Players


So our previous webhosting company had all of their servers crash harder than Tara Reid's career, losing all of our files. I guess it's kind of our fault that we didn' t back anything up, but hey, that's us; we're a seat-of-the-pants kind of guild.

This is a picture of Illidan, which is about the only solace we can take these days. It's always a blast playing the "5% chance for warglaives" game each week.

Too bad the devs couldn't come up with some kind of long quest to earn the Legendary drops. Oh well, maybe in Northrend.

You know, whenever I accidentally vendor my shit due to stupid itemrack, it's always a great consolation to have a demon god of conquest appear to save me.

Guild banks are awesome. I gave Trilly the guild leader tag so he could manage our guild bank. Why Blizzard hasn't just created a "guild banker" permission, I don't know, but hey, whatever. It only took 'em three years.

Trilly is a great guild banker. His OCD makes for a very tidy bank. So of course, Malantis decides to redecorate, which drives Trilly into a homicidal rage. Note that if you're having trouble seeing the picture, squint a little and you'll see a schooner.

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