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June 02, 2024, 04:31:32 PM

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All Exceptional Players


Eredar Twins Down!

This was the longest we've been cockblocked on an encounter in a long time. We had to pull out all the stops.

And resort to some less conventional tactics.

Just a quick note about this fight. I would love to see the raid that can do every boss in Sunwell without making drastic swaps. 3 tanks 9 healers, 2 tanks 7 healers, 1 tank 10 healers, 2 tanks 11 healers, 4 tanks 6 healers. Are you schizophrenic, or do you just have 6 guys designing 6 different bosses and they aren't allowed to talk to one another?

And by the way, thanks for making me respec 3 times per night. Thank god we're rich and I don't have to pay for it. God bless Trilly and his banking skills.

Speaking of.

But don't mess with him.

Trilly commands our bank with near-Jewish prowess. Trilly isn't actually Jewish, but a number of people in the guild are, and here in Casual, we're very open to people of different faiths and denominations.

See? We're very respectful.

Now it's time for out of context quotes!

Digo on becoming a new parent.

Hobes (aka the Gnomish hate machine) is at it again.

Even though Bag and Cherub have been dating forever, they still like to keep things interesting.

A poll of great import:

"Weirdest things you've heard during sex."

We have a poll going for when Reiss finally snaps and kills Malantis.

Did you ever wonder about how the smurfs reproduced? I mean, Smurfette was the only female. Some enterprising adult film producer did too (not kidding).

Steampunk, cosplay, and pop culture.

If we go out of our way to recruit a rogue, they had better fit in well with the guild.

Ever since Reamer went casual (no relation), I've been in charge of recruitment. It's really satisfying when you recruit a good player, really frustrating dealing with mediocre players, and really fun messing with idiots.

My guildmates think its hilarious to send every slack-jawed, quest-geared, degenerate they find to me for their guild invite. LFM BT!

Jesus H. Christ, there's only like 2 instructions when you submit an application. If you can't figure them both out, I'm surprised you turned on your computer without electrocuting yourself.

By the way, have you seen our Cuban? He's about 3 feet tall and likes waffles.

Come home Valkie, we all miss you.

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