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Topics - aquasheep

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Forum upgrade
« on: November 29, 2020, 12:00:48 AM »
So the forums needed to be upgraded, which ended up breaking the theme and some of the mods that were installed. I got most of it back, except (afaik) for the smileys when you make a new post. RIP.

The current grown-up retail WoW Aqua says, if you see anything broken, please let me know and I will look into it.

The OG edgy classic WoW Aqua says, if you see anything broken, no one uses this forum anymore so who cares and you can lick lick lick my balls.

Hyjal / MOVED: Cooks of Casual (NSFW)
« on: July 04, 2010, 11:55:10 PM »

General Discussion / MOVED: Uld 25 Sign Up
« on: November 02, 2009, 12:54:05 AM »

General Discussion / Trilly
« on: August 23, 2009, 09:31:06 PM »
I found out what Trilly's been up to instead of WoW:


AquaDKP / AquaDKP system
« on: February 18, 2009, 03:08:20 PM »
With original contribution by Binks

  • Tier-based DKP pools
  • Fixed event/kill DKP rewards
  • Primary raid specs take precedence in determining loot
  • Attendance-based bid tiers
  • Sidegrade/upgrade options for rotting loot

We use a tier-based DKP system with fixed event/kill based DKP rewards that takes into consideration one's talent spec.  A tier-based DKP system is a system in which DKP gains and losses are restricted to their corresponding tier.  We use fixed event/kill DKP rewards for attendance, learning, and boss boss kills.  Looting priority is given to one that can use the item for their primary, raiding spec while those looking to purchase an item as an offset do not have precedence in bidding.

DKP tiers reflect the natural progression of content and loot in the game.  Tier 4 DKP refers to all encounters that drop tier 4 items.  Tier 5 DKP refers to all encounters that drop tier 5 items.  All DKP earned and DKP spent remains in the corresponding tier.  For example, if you buy a tier 4 spear all the cost is not carried over into tier 5.  When raiding progresses from one tier to another DKP totals are zeroed and a carry over from the previous tier is applied to reflect effort made in previous content.  
The purpose of the carry over is to give those with high attendance a little extra DKP competitiveness going into the next tier.  The carry over is computed by:
   [highest amount of DKP earned by one person] x [60-day attendence] x [10%]

Item prices:
Item prices are determined using a rough, percentage estimate of their value and their item level.  Due to the lack of precedence of offset item, the item price, regardless of piece, is 1 DKP.
   2-handed weapons - 25%
   Breastplates - 20%
   Helm, Leggings - 17.5%
   Shoulders, hands, waist, feet - 15%
   1-handed weapon, ranged, shields - 12.5%
   Wrist, ring, cloak, neck, trinket - 10%

A level 110 2-handed weapon drops, the DKP value would be 110 x 25% =  28 DKP.

Event/Kill DKP:
DKP will be awarded on an hourly attendance basis.  Attendance DKP is computed by:
   [Highest item cost / (20 hours a week x 4 weeks a month)]

Boss kills will no longer have DKP attached to them, though attendance logs will still be taken after a boss kill for loot purposes.

Bidding and Attendance Tiers:
An item goes to the person with the most accumulated DKP, priority is given to those that have the appropriate spec of an item.  Should no one with the appropriate spec the item is offered up to anyone who has interest at the charge of 1 DKP.  If you're bidding on an item as an offset piece it is your responsibility to tell the person who is handling the bidding.  Applicants have no priority whatsoever in the bidding process, they may obtain loot if everyone else has no interest.  
For item that do not have a DKP value, such as recipes and reagents, the winner of the bid is determined by who has the highest 60-day attendance.  Should that fail, the highest lifetime attendance.
Should there be a dispute in pricing for a looted item, for some unseen reason, that carries little/no desirability, a member may, with the officer's consent, sell the item off and send the cash to the guild bank for a DKP refund (principally used when we first introduced DKP costs to items in TBC).

Attendance tiers are determined by your 60-day attendance, and affect your bid priority on a piece of loot.  The following values are used:

Tier 1: 100%-75% 60-day
Tier 2: 74%-50% 60-day
Tier 3: 49%-0% 60-day

Bids on an item will be given priority to those with 60-day attendance percentages in a higher tier.

      Digo has 100 DKP and 70% attendance
      Trilly has 75 DKP and 95% attendance

Digo wants to buy T5 armor, but Trilly is in a higher attendance tier, so Trilly can outbid Digo.

Offset and Changing Specs:
The only classes allowed to bid offset are: Warrior, Paladin, Shaman, Druid, Priest, Rogue, Deathknight.
Offset bids may only be submitted if the piece does not match your primary set of gear. Your primary set of gear is that which matches the particular tree you have more than 30 points in, falling under the jurisdiction of "tank," "melee DPS," "caster DPS," "healing." If you have points equally distributed in multiple trees or you fulfill multiple roles equally, pick whichever you prefer to be labeled as your "primary" role. You are responsible for sending the correct offset bid.

DPS classes may bid offset on weapons that do not match their normal gear set under two conditions: the weapon cannot be reasonably equipped without respeccing (e.g. daggers for a combat rogue) AND the weapon will not be used with the the person's primary raiding gear set. Please note that if at any point you respec to use the weapon during raids, it will be considered a main set bid and the DKP charged appropriately.

If you change your primary raiding spec at a future date, any main set pieces you wish to be switched to offset will have their DKP swapped, and vice versa. It is your responsibility to inform a DKP officer so such corrections can be made. Corrections may not be made if the tiers that experience the largest change are no longer relevant.

To reduce instances of rotting loot, you can bid "upgrade" on loot to obtain it at a reduced DKP cost (for simplicity purposes, sidegrades and upgrades will all be referred to as "upgrades" regardless of whether it really is an upgrade).  The guidelines for doing so are:

Upgrade bids can only be made for slots within same tier. E.g. if you are upgrading from nonset SSC/TK helm to T5 helm, you may bid upgrade.  Going from T5 to T6 is NOT considered an upgrade.
Upgrade is lowest priority within onset competitors (still higher than offset)
You can still bid full DKP for upgrade to compete. Anyone paying full DKP for an item will always have priority over anyone bidding upgrade.
Only gear with a DKP cost is applicable for upgrade comparison (no pvp/rep rewards)
Upgrade bids will cost 2 DKP or 2 x the difference in DKP cost of the items, whichever is higher. E.g., I have a 2-hander that previously cost 35 DKP and bid upgrade on a 2-hander in the same tier that costs 38 DKP. I pay 6 DKP.

Bidding Priorities:
Bidding priorities are as follows:
   1.   Mains 75% 60-day attendance or higher bidding full -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance, then lifetime attendance
   2.   Mains 50% 60-day attendance or higher bidding full -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance, then lifetime attendance
   3.   Mains 1% 60-day attendance or higher bidding full -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance, then lifetime attendance
   4.   Mains 75% 60-day attendance or higher bidding upgrade -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance, then lifetime attendance
   5.   Mains 50% 60-day attendance or higher bidding upgrade -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance, then lifetime attendance
   6.   Mains 1% 60-day attendance or higher bidding upgrade -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance, then lifetime attendance
   7.   Mains 75% 60-day attendance or higher bidding offset -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance, then lifetime attendance
   8.   Mains 50% 60-day attendance or higher bidding offset -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance, then lifetime attendance
   9.   Mains 1% 60-day attendance or higher bidding offset -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance, then lifetime attendance
   10.   All alts, regardless of bid type (since mains are charged offset price regardless) -> sorted by main's DKP, then main's 60-day attendance, then main's lifetime attendance.
   11.   Apps bidding full -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance
   12.   Apps bidding upgrade -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance
   13.   Apps bidding offset -> sorted by DKP, then 60-day attendance

If you quit, and your 60-day attendance drops to zero, your DKP will be zeroed and not restored.

« on: February 18, 2009, 02:28:53 PM »
Greetings fellow raiders! Are you fed up with your current system of loot distribution? Do you feel like you have been unfairly shafted out of gear? Does it just take too long for your guild to decide who gets what after a boss dies? Worried how this will transition to Ulduar?

Lonesome no more!

I am making public Casual's AquaDKP system of loot distribution, bidding, and tracking. Previously exclusive to Casual and select other guilds, you too can take advantage of a fair, balanced, and most importantly, easy to administer DKP system for your raids.

Below are some questions you may be asking yourself:

1. What exactly is AquaDKP?
2. What separates your in-game addon from some other DKP tracker I can get from Curse?
3. Why would I want to switch to the AquaDKP system over my current DKP system?
4. No DKP system is perfect, how can you claim AquaDKP is?
5. I'm convinced, how much and give it to me. (Pricing and support)
6. Well what does it look like?

Additionally, a complete description of the system can be found here: AquaDKP System

General Discussion / WoW Bewjeweled
« on: September 22, 2008, 04:49:29 PM »

God, way to rip off my idea for AquaBejeweled assholes

General Discussion / YARRRRRR
« on: September 18, 2008, 10:56:03 PM »
Ahoy mateys! Today be Sept 19, International Talk Like a Pirate Day! I suggest ye best be celebrating it by talking like a pirate, you scurvy wenches, or it will be off the plank with ye! Arrrr.

Avast, and don't forget to visit Booty Bay and get a free 12 hour pirate costume, arrrrr.

Gaming / Spore
« on: September 09, 2008, 08:01:02 AM »
So I managed to get the last copy in a 2 mile radius (seriously), and it's a pretty fun game so far. I definitely agree with all the reviewers that say the depth is lacking, but that's not really a bad thing, since I'd rather play it casually. I'm at the city stage right now, which I think is the second to last, but the space (last) stage is supposed to be super long. It's interesting how it kind of switches between action, RTS, and a civ/simcity type feel depending on the stage, and there's a stupid number of things to build/design, if you like that kind of thing. I was also already seeing different species on my planet made by other players (the Beertopians were lol).

Holler if you see my species (Sheee).

Gaming / Red Alert 3
« on: August 06, 2008, 11:06:29 PM »
Is awesome.

I've only played as the Rising Sun faction so far, but there's a huge emphasis on naval/air battles instead of just ground with the occasional bomber support like in previous games. Half the units on all three sides are amphibious, and there's a much better mix of air units. As an example, the Japs get a bunch of mech units ala Robotech, one which switches between anti-infantry on the ground, and anti-air in the air, and one that switches between anti-air on the ground, and anti-vehicle in the air. And you get a support ability that summons kamikaze pilots.

Plus, the Soviets get fucking war bears, and amphibious tesla tanks rape. Starcraft 2 what.

http://virtuallyblind.com/2008/07/14/blizzard-wins-sj-mdy/ (site is down atm)

What the decision is saying is that, under 9th Circuit law, it is "copying" to move a program from storage to RAM. So, any time you load a game, you are copying it. If you do this in violation of the EULA and TOU, which in this case prohibit you from loading the game in to RAM at the same time as running the Glider software, you are not authorized to copy the game. This is a copyright infringement. The reason Blizzard chose this method was to have some cause of action directly against MDY, because otherwise it would be a breach of contract suit against the users (who are judgment-proof) for breach of contract damages alone, which are so small as to be non-existent.

The decision is relevant in the 9th Cir. only, but the reasoning appears substantially correct. The rule that copying in to RAM is copying under the terms of the Copyright Act is not unique to this case: it is in fact cited under previous authority. This case rather simply applies this standard and says that it is a violation of the EULA to use a bot like Glider, and that copying in violation of the EULA/TOU is sufficient to constitute a copyright infringement.

General Discussion / captchas
« on: June 25, 2008, 08:04:30 AM »
I'm considering updating the captcha system for the forums. Can some of the spam bots chime in and tell me which of these is more difficult?

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