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June 02, 2024, 12:24:51 PM

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All Exceptional Players


 (and illegals for cheap DKP)

(And our white-people-only drinking fountains.)

A lot has happened in Casual lately. We killed some stuff in ToC. We got some achievements. The British invaded and turned our guild into a fascist communist socialist tyranny.

The Casual that I grew up with never would have tolerated this kind of fascist, communist crap. We had a real DKP system, where the people who had collected vast sums of DKP could never be outbid by new members, and even someone who hadn't raided in three months could come back and buy anything they wanted. That, my fellow Americans, was capitalism. Not this crap pantywaist socialist, attendance-tiered, regulated crap that allows new members to compete on a level playing field. No sir. We didn't have any Jews in the guild then, either. Those were the good old days.

Now, I haven't actually raided seriously since Illidan died, and I'm not really sure how to read a DPS report, or what a void zone looks like, but I can tell when my guild has been stolen from me by the culture-of-death liberals.

Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin in 2012

When that elitist Brit named Asmai took over, he started claiming that things would be different, that change would come to Casual. Well, he can pry it from my cold, dead, hands. Along with my guild bank pension fund. I've really gotten used to having my alts pay for all their repairs with the public guild bank fund usable by all full members, and I'll be damned if he's going to take that away from me.

Next thing we know, the elitist officers are going to recruit minorities and women. What is this world coming to? I want my Casual back.

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