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June 02, 2024, 11:13:38 AM

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All Exceptional Players


Kil'Jaeden Down

We are kings of gimmick fights, lords of clumping up and spreading out.  If there's a boss in WotLK that requires us to form ourselves into a giant star of David, I guarantee we will oneshot the motherfucker.  (Click the picture above for a better quality shot, and here's the WWS, if you're into that kind of thing.)

I actually had a lot of fun with this fight and the zone altogether.  Excluding one gay windchime boss who shall remain nameless, Blizzard put together a raid zone that demonstrated that they understood the capabilities of THIS FULLY ARMED AND OPERATIONAL BATTLESTATION.  It really required us to refine our game.

Most of this zone was a lot of fun to learn, and I'd like to thank everyone who stepped up or stepped in to help finish the expansion.  Big thanks to our applicants who withstood the rigorous trial process and contributed to the Casual war machine.

What do we do now, you ask?  Farm gear to help us level up?  Sure.  Work on our various PVP teams?  Yeah, we can do that.

The real project for the summer?  CasualCon 2K8.

We're understandably excited to meet one another.

See you in WotLK.  (If we survive)

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