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June 03, 2024, 03:12:32 AM

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All Exceptional Players


Wyrnn Carries Casual to Victory

Recently, I've had a few of my guildmates complain about the content on the front page, and how it isn't as funny as it used to be.  First off, get raped.  Secondly, if you'd really like to know where the hilarity that was Casual's website has gone, you can probably find it where every other raider's tired soul has gone to die.  In a dumpster behind Blizzard HQ.  Along with a few other things.

Some might say the lack of recent progression is a result of some heavy roster changes.  Others may say that with summer coming soon everyone is just not as focused on raiding as they usually are.  Or maybe it's just because I spend most of our raid time drawing Nazi-propaganda and disturbingly gay images all over boss rooms with AVR.  Either way, we've set our retardedness aside and are back on pace again.

Winston Churchill is rolling over in his grave.

At last, after a couple weeks of banging our heads against Sindragosa and Putricide heroics, Casual has finally finished the pair off.  While the 5% buff certainly did help a lot, we weren't far off from either.  Consistent phase 3 attempts on Sindragosa as well as multiple sub 100k wipes on Putricide proved that we had it in us the whole time, but the ingenious "limited attempts" design implemented by Blizzard was the proverbial "nail in the coffin" when it comes to the Casual rape-train.  Suffice it to say our raid strategy has always involved a lot of dicking around and at-the-raid's-expense humor.  The "limited attempts" factor certainly discouraged this behavior, but sometimes the opportunities were just to awesome to ignore.

Given, when it came to buckling down and actually using our attempts seriously we still lost quite a few of them in learning phase.  Consequently, we've learned that most of our guild is, in fact, mentally retarded.  Simple geometry proved to be our most difficult subject, putting a serious dent in our early Sindragosa progression.

Casual is never a group to be disheartened by any of our blunders, however.  No matter how many wipes our ice block shenanigans caused, there was always humor to be found in each and every one of them, as displayed here by our ice blocked resident Space Bear Retiree, Noodledoodle.

While Varian's delectable buff did push us the extra mile toward finishing off Icecrown, we did also receive aid in another form.  Daveclap, formerly known as Thegreatme, has finally finished his Shadowmourne.  Casual's luck with legendary weapons never fails, as by the time we finished the fucking thing most other guilds at our progression level are halfway through their second.  Still, I can speak for the rest of the guild (and Mr. Dave) in expressing our excitement in completing our legendary axe.

Another contributing factor to our great success is our boatload of new applicants.  While some of them (looking at you, Rogues) aren't the sharpest tools in the jar, a couple of them have impressed us quite a bit, and have been a huge help in our ICC progression.  We've been through a barrel of applicants since ToC ended, some of which didn't make the bench, and even a few paper-thin skinned players who couldn't handle the more grotesque side of Casual's green chat.

Trademark guild slogans such as "get raped" have seen more popularity than ever before recently.  Even our resident Frenchie, Improved, has been trying to adapt to our disgusting language.

Early pulls of Lich King Heroic have definitely shown us that it will not be an easy fight, but rest assured he'll be dead as soon as the novelty of shadow trap golfing wears off.  Until then, get rape.

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