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June 02, 2024, 01:41:01 PM

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All Exceptional Players


My wife is having a baby any day now. When I first announced this to my guildmates a few months back, the response was overwhelmingly supportive.

Okay, so maybe supportive isn't the right word.

My playtime will probably diminish into the west, a lot like Galadriel, but unlike Liv Tyler, because that bitch got huge. Seriously, how did she go from being anorexic Arwen to turning into a hippopotamus? Someone on the set of LOTR must have had the good sense to tell her to stop stuffing her horse-face with num-nums.

I forget whose alt Sumire is, but the drink you're referring to is commonly known as "Starbucks."

With Sunwell coming any day now in the next geological era, we've been looking for a few select recruits. I assure you, we treat our apps very well and never poke fun at their human imperfections.

Even when we're working on farm content, raids are pretty interesting because we always have great subjects of conversation. Like having affairs with married women and doing it in their children's race car beds. If ever you doubted the principle of schadenfreude, our guild is the place to restore your faith in the suffering of others.

I can't wait to hear how this saga ends. Hopefully not with hollow point wounds and Gadz on the front page of CNN.com.

This is a real tell I received.

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