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Messages - Svirfneblin

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Forum upgrade
« on: June 03, 2021, 08:55:25 PM »
pepperidge farm remembers

General Discussion / Re: The good ole days
« on: June 03, 2021, 08:50:31 PM »
i need discord plzzzzzz i was looking for the m'uru kill.........

General Discussion / Re: Friday 6pm Naxx25
« on: June 19, 2009, 04:20:25 PM »
Will be 10 minutes late (maybe). Hold me a spot. Will bring the Perdita. Would like to get in for KT for a chance at Signet if no other mains are interested.

General Discussion / Re: Friday 6pm Naxx25
« on: June 09, 2009, 01:24:13 PM »
Paladin will travel. As long as I get to tank. Don't make me heal or I will get irritated. Thanks.

General Discussion / Re: build me a computer
« on: June 01, 2009, 03:48:45 PM »
I have built many computers in my day....many...from the most basic to high-level servers. It is a very exciting and interesting experience, but can be fraught with MANY problems. Some can be as simple a flipped connection, to more complex and irritating problems like bad memory. I used to build all my systems from scratch, but have since realized that the cost savings is typically insufficient to justify building it yourself. I know I will be met with many "what the fuck are you talking about" responses for saying this, but I recommend just buying prefab.


Look at that system. It comes with Vista 64 bit, 4 GB of RAM, a 9600GT Video card...essentially the same or better in every respect as the "build it yourself" version. It's cheaper, and it's built for you. The components may not be Gucci name brand shit, but guess what, Gucci name brand shit breaks just as much as Taiwanese no name crap. Just plug in your mouse, keyboard and LCD and you're good to go. Comes with 1 yr warranty and you can upgrade it to 2 year onsite for 149 more.

Alternatively, if you can afford a little more, I consider these to be the best mofos out there right now in cheap prefabs. (It's what I have sitting at home with a nVIDIA GTX 260 video card as an upgrade). The performance is tweaked to beat the shit out of something you build yourself unless you spend days tinkering with it (assuming you know how and where to do the tinkering; which I do, and prefer not to):


By the way, the most expensive and important component will always be the Video card. If you can get a used video card, or find a junkie like me in the guild who swaps video cards like underwear to sell/give you one, you can significantly cut down on the price. I may have an 8600 GTS laying around (if I can find it lol). I'll let you know.

General Discussion / Re: 10man Ulduar groups
« on: April 20, 2009, 12:51:52 PM »
As I see it Ulduar will take a 2-3 days to clear on farm as we get into hardmodes. Leaving only after raids and weekends for most folks to do 10s. Perhaps once we get most of the achieves in 10s I'll consider running on alts, but for now fuck alts, fuck pugs, and fuck you too.


I would normally say that Brojack is a selfish asshole who doesn't care about our alts (which is true); but he's right. FUCK YO ALTS!

General Discussion / Re: 10man Ulduar groups
« on: April 18, 2009, 11:55:33 AM »
pick me coach

General Discussion / 10 man Sarth 3D burn run
« on: April 08, 2009, 04:14:32 PM »
There is now sufficient data to know:

A) multiple comps can do this (melee stacking, caster stacking, and balanced) all work.
B) Even casters in suboptimal DPS configurations can do this.
C) There's no reason we cannot do this EASILY.
D) Multiple warlock comps without Doomguards can apply.
Lets do this.

General Discussion / Re: 8man Naxx saturday 6pm
« on: April 07, 2009, 04:13:43 PM »
Need Malygos 8, but will be available for anything. Just let me know.

General Discussion / Re: Naxx 10 hachs and alts - fri?? 6pm
« on: April 02, 2009, 03:19:58 PM »
~drain the soul~

I think affliction lacks the cooldowns to push out insane damage in a very short period of time, since most other dps classes have deathwish ish abilities etc.

~drain the soul~

I think affliction lacks the cooldowns to push out insane damage in a very short period of time, since most other dps classes have deathwish ish abilities etc.

Well, that all depends. If we have a one shot scenario, we can outdps anyone in the game over a 75 second stretch with a doomguard. But that's a 1 hour cooldown. Plus, we're very dependent on receiving all the proper buffs (except +13% spell dmg which one lock can provide without a significant loss of dips). That being said, you give us a boomkin for the hit/crit and an ele for the totem of wrath, and if the stars align we can do some serious dips on a standup fight. 12 of the top 20 worldwide Patch parses are affi locks in speed runs through naxx, so we CAN pump it out (Patch speed kills average 90 seconds). But, the real question is, can the other people play like superstars in that ONE attempt we get to make the stars align?

At least with a warrior/DK comp you dont need to wait 1 hour between optimal attempts.

Don't get me wrong, I'll be up for trying it, but that execute deck was mighty stacked in the 76 second kill parse.

Drain Soul is incredibly beast though, ticks for 12-15K every 3 seconds when sub 25%, thats 5000 DPS from a single spell, and if all the other dots are applied in proper time your looking at 10K throughput dps for the last 25% of the fight.

General Discussion / Re: Naxx 10 hachs and alts - fri?? 6pm
« on: April 02, 2009, 11:23:43 AM »
The trick is killing him before shadron's acolyte spawns, so the immunity shield doesn't go up.  Also, tenebron enrages when Sarth hits 25%, hence the need for the execute classes.  Even still, Tenebron gets taunted and kited from 25% down. 

I'd imagine blizzard will hotfix it so that Tenebron gains 500% move speed when enraged.


Um, we don't have the personel to do it this way.

Bullshit. On a 75 second fight, with 40s being Heroism, 15s being Rapid Fire, and a speed pot after that... I guarantee I could do that.

goldsplat, I know YOU can do it...but what are you going to do? Clone yourself 5 times?

General Discussion / Re: Naxx 10 hachs and alts - fri?? 6pm
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:40:02 AM »
The trick is killing him before shadron's acolyte spawns, so the immunity shield doesn't go up.  Also, tenebron enrages when Sarth hits 25%, hence the need for the execute classes.  Even still, Tenebron gets taunted and kited from 25% down. 

I'd imagine blizzard will hotfix it so that Tenebron gains 500% move speed when enraged.


Um, we don't have the personel to do it this way.

General Discussion / Re: Friday 6PM Alt run
« on: March 06, 2009, 12:42:21 PM »
We still doing this?

General Discussion / Re: Undying?
« on: March 03, 2009, 10:18:18 AM »
You want a warlock. And I want undying. Bring the player, not the class. I can un-die.

Humor / Re: Love from the science point of view.
« on: January 14, 2009, 12:54:24 PM »
The article the NYT references in Nature is only an opinion essay. It in turn references two papers in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) and Nature Neuroscience. The PNAS paper is a purely statistical analysis of pair bonding and its association with variations in the Vasopressin gene. This type of study is correlative at best, deceptive at worst. The Nature Neuroscience paper studied bank Voles (a rodent that actually forms pair-bonds similar to humans). Last time I checked, mice were not little people. While it's very interesting, the vasopressin receptors are involved in a lot of things. You might as well be smoking pot or taking coke to be feeling good about your relationship.

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