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June 01, 2024, 10:55:34 PM

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All Exceptional Players


Greetings fellow adventurers! I don't normally do updates, but this is a special case. Herein lies the epic account of AQUAGATE; a sordid tale of drama, adventure, romance, and a legendary worldwide rickroll.

Our story begins with the curse of Casual. Casual has had terribad luck with legendaries of any kind, having had drop a grand total of 0 pre-TBC. We recruited from out of guild every Thunderfury, every Sulfuras, and as a matter of fact, three of our five Warglaives. The curse was finally broken January 16, 2008: morale was high, DPS was higher; a fitting start to the new year.

Unfortunately, it seemed to be a fluke. Eight months and no more legendaries to be seen. But lo! After eight months, the most legendary of legendaries dropped once more. And I, being the nice guy that I am, passed it to our rogue that needed to complete a set. Also, I figure that's gotta be worth AMAZING karma.

But we decided to have some fun with it. The plan:

  1. Take a screenshot pretending to empty the guild bank
  2. Deguild for a day
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

Now, Casual is no stranger to fake forum drama. We all remember the Gurubashi Chest Crusade, the Digo/Keae love triangle, don't we? Well, maybe just me. But we figured a little good old-fashioned ninja drama might spice up the boards, bump up our forum traffic, and hey, we might get a little fun out of it.

And thus was fired the shot heard round the World of Warcraft.

We didn't know who first spread it to the General forums, but it grew far beyond our wildest dreams. Initially, there was some confusion over what happened:

Turns out that the support for me was overwhelming:

Forum MVP posts ftw! (click for big)

Apparently, 200000 gold is a lot of money to some people.

We even got some old guild members chiming in (I miss you Cephid!)

(6:59:36 PM) jujak: lol
(6:59:42 PM) jujak: 3 people posted me the link on the hyjal forums
(6:59:45 PM) jujak: about the warglaive
(6:59:52 PM) aquasheepa: lol
(6:59:56 PM) jujak: i was like wtf?
(7:00:05 PM) jujak: did you really take the guild bank?
(7:00:31 PM) aquasheepa: more or less
(7:00:34 PM) jujak: lol
(7:00:36 PM) jujak: good for you
(7:00:38 PM) jujak: fuck them all
(7:00:39 PM) jujak: :-)

(4:25:33 PM) cephid: either way, props to you sir!
(4:25:35 PM) cephid: Fuck casual
(4:25:49 PM) cephid: (yes I am still bitter)

(4:30:31 PM) cephid: Digo's post, I want to muder that fucking shitfaced assfuck
(4:31:55 PM) aquasheepa: rofl

Sry to hear what happened you really deserved better than that.If you are looking for another place to raid check out ER. We don't really need rogues but xpac is coming and Baron is just looking for good players. Ill put in a good word for you.


Two capped threads and over a thousand posts later, we decided we needed to go out with a bang. Something that would be memorable. Something that would cement our place in WoW history. Something that everyone would be able to appreciate.

In the end, everyone had a good laugh

Well, almost everyone

ESPECIALLY not Iyanna's old guild

And Aquagate was forever immortalized

The aftermath proved that our fame was indeed widespread

(The first spike is during the peak drama, the second is after we were linked on WOWInsider. It's like the gift that keeps on giving!)

(Yes, you read that right. 73 countries visited our site. Suck it, bitches)

(Nearly the entire Hyjal front page devoted to Casual. Sweet victory)

And so, our story ends. Well...not quite. For you see, I did eventually get a legendary. It may not have been the one I wanted, but hey, I'm not picky.

Aaaaaaaaaaand I'm spent.

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